Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Order of the Old Ones and it's mission

 The Order of the Old Ones is a esoteric religious group dedicated to spreading the word of our Gods the Great Old Ones and the Outer Gods.

The Order of the Old Ones is based in part on the writings of H.P. Lovecraft,and other members of the Lovecraft Circle,the Necronomicon:the Dee Translation written by Lin Carter,the Grimiore of the Necronomicon and the Necronomicon:the Wonderings of Alhazred by Donald Tyson.

The Mission of the Order of the Great Old Ones is known as the Work of the Trapezohedron.

Central to the life of each member of the Order of the Old Ones will be the great work of personal transformation. This is linked with the great work of the Old Ones themselves,as described by Lovecraft -the elevation of the planet Earth from it's fallen material state to its former more spiritual condition..This is known as the Work of the Trapezohedron ,in reference to this three-dimensional geometric  structure that figures so prominently  in one of Lovecrafts' stories.Before the Earth can be elevated through the dimensional gateways of Yog-Sothoth by the Old Ones,it must first be cleansed of its dross,similary ,the great work of members of the Order of the Old Ones involves refining the mind and training the body to achieve a higher state of being.

The intention of the Old Ones  to cleanse and elevate our world,if we take it seriously as a possible future event,may not be fulfilled  for centuries,or even millennia.Perhaps it is not destined to happen in a material sence at all,but may have a more symbolic meaning that applies to the astral reams and an inner mental reality,rather then to a physical substance to this planet.,